How to stay productive in 2020

By Camden Skoll

COVID-19 has caused many activities to be held online, which can make it hard to stay motivated. Sitting at home on your computer all day can be very draining, but here are some tips for staying productive during these times.

1. Create a home office or workspace. Having a designated space to do your work can be helpful to remove distractions and stay focused.

2. Turn off any electronic devices you aren’t working on. Putting your phone on silent and shutting off any background noise will make it easier for you to concentrate.

3. Make a to-do list. Sit down each morning and write down all of the tasks you need to accomplish that day. Be sure to double-check everything so nothing is missed, such as any deadlines or errands.

4. Create a schedule. Planning your day by the hour is helpful to see what you can accomplish in the timeline that you have. Include work, meals, errands and relaxation time.

5. Keep a consistent routine. Having the same routine for certain days of the week is good to keep your schedule straight and make sure you accomplish everything. Even if the routine is different on weekends or weekdays, it is a good way to stay on track.

6. Take breaks. It is important to take some time off and schedule breaks throughout the day to give yourself time to relax and think about something other than work.

7. Go outside. Spending some time outdoors can be good for the mind and body to experience a different working environment. It can also be beneficial to sit outside and do something relaxing to spend time in the sun.

Take these tips and use them in your everyday life to stay productive throughout 2020 and beyond.


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