Creative Media
The creative media department is split into two different roles: producers and web developers. Both of these roles involve being hands-on with behind-the-scenes creative content creation. Producers attend client events, take photos and videos, and edit and organize footage. Web developers attend concept meetings, create plans their client teams, and ensure implementation of new ideas in easy-to-navigate websites for clients and their consumers!
Producing might be right for you if…
You love having a camera in your hand
You feel confident shooting in manual
You enjoy editing both photos and videos
You have a good eye for photography
Draw up concepts and create websites from scratch for clients
Update existing websites and work with other departments to ensure website is up to date
Sound like you? Give it a try and apply.
Website Development might be right for you if…
You enjoy building websites
You are comfortable working with others
You care about making a great first impression
You are detail-oriented
Run and assist client shoots and Capstone Agency shoots
Edit footage and photos to create deliverables for clients
Use experience to contribute new ideas to the client team
Junior producer (entry-level)
Senior Producer
Junior web developer (entry-level)
Web developer
Senior web developer