Better Your Content By Consuming More Content

By Annie Hollon

Social media is the present and future of communications, serving as a vital tool not only for public relations but for expanding your worldview, connecting with others from all over and much more. While endless scrolling and refreshing pages can be draining, especially with oversaturated, negative topics, being intentional in what you choose to consume can make the greatest difference in your personal and professional life. Become a better communicator, professional and person by changing the way you consume content and the world around you.

Read Up

The more you read, the better you write! According to a study from the University of Florida, the improvement in your writing directly correlates to the amount of reading that you do, including the complexity of said readings. In a field that relies so heavily on the written word, taking the time to read up on a variety of topics in a variety of mediums can make you a stronger, more perceptive writer. 

Whether it be a classic novel or the latest new release, leisure reading gets you away from the hectic world you live in and into another, opening your mind to other perspectives. It also allows you to give your brain a break from the quippy, short writing style standard for the profession and into more complicated sentences, phrasings and interactions with the Oxford comma. A Capstone Agency Book Club favorite, the Book of The Month subscription service is an affordable, low-stress way to make casual reading a habit. 

Follow The News

Keeping up with the news and other publications can also make you not only a better writer but a more observant person to critical issues in the world and within the profession. From checking the front cover news stories each morning or exploring personal passions and interests through niche magazines and blogs, establishing a routine of reading news strategically will help you break up the monotony of the 24-hour news cycle so that you consume only what you need.

Checking the news from a variety of sources gives you a greater insight into how different publications cover the same topics, a valuable skill in media literacy to attain. If you’re interested in a particular industry, following beat journalists that cover those topics can keep you in the know and also provide a potential media contact for the real world. Catching up on the news has never been more accessible with daily newsletters from a wide range of publications readily available. 

Tune In

Reading and news columns not your style? Take podcasts for a spin and see how you like them! In a similar vein to the previous sections, podcasts are an incredibly accessible way to stay tuned to important news topics or specific passions you may have. Publications like Vox, NPR and the Wall Street Journal release podcasts on a variety of topics that will keep you in the know on the go, while other more interest-based podcasts keep you up to date on your passions or the latest episode of The Bachelor. 

Audiobooks are a great happy medium for those interested in reading more but too booked to sit down and read a physical copy. Accessible in a variety of mediums, from Audible to local library subscriptions, audiobooks can serve as an easier way to keep reading without running the risk of a lost bookmark or papercut.

Media literacy is crucial to becoming a respectable public relations practitioner. Expanding your horizons to new perspectives, voices and ideas will make you a more well rounded, educated professional with interesting insights and a broader perspective on the world around you. Plus you never know, you may be featured there someday.


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